Living How Europe is using technology to fight wildfires David Mar 7, 2019 Written by Tamara Davison As wildfires across Europe grow more extreme, firefighter’s roles become more difficult – and dangerous. Which technologies could reduce the risk... continue reading
Featured Shining light on ‘Dark Social’: social media analytics made in Portugal Valentina Cullmann Sep 10, 2018 'Dark social'? We talk with Lisbon-based about privacy scandals in social media, tracking conversations that are not public, and how a Portuguese startup found its... continue reading
Entertainment Imaginando: making Portugal stand out in the electronic music scene Inês Faria Dec 4, 2016 When music and technology meet, only great things can come from there. The long marriage between these two makes it hard to find a way of differentiating any product coming from... continue reading
Featured How two Dutch sisters boost maritime tourism in Portugal Rafael Pires Jun 19, 2016 Founded in February 2014, SeaBookings was born of a dream of two Dutch-born sisters to enhance maritime tourism in Portugal. Since then, many ocean-lovers have booked their boat... continue reading
Entrepreneurs Founders Founders: born from the community to be a community Rafael Pires Feb 10, 2016 A few of you might have already heard something about this new initiative called Founders Founders (F2). It started last year in Porto with shy communication. A few details were... continue reading
Bioeconomy Apis Technology – The Internet of Bees Ana Almeida Sep 16, 2015 To bee or not to bee, that is a major question right now. According to Greenpeace, the population of bees decreased 30% more than in the previous years, only in Europe. The... continue reading
E-Commerce Driving to Portugal in flip flops Ana Almeida Aug 27, 2015 Born in the Netherlands, PakketMail is changing the way webshops ship their products. This Summer they just shipped themselves to Portugal. For Mark, co-founder of PakketMail,... continue reading
Entrepreneurs To travel with impact, or should we say, impacTrip Daniela Monteiro Jul 7, 2015 Summer is here, it’s vacation time and there is a world of opportunities for you to spend your time. But should vacation be only about you or should you add more meaning to... continue reading
Industries Meet the startup that will kill your passwords Inês Silva Jun 15, 2015 If you hate passwords as much as I do, you are going to love loqr, a simple to use Authentication Solution, based on QR code technology, using state-of-the-art cryptographic... continue reading
Featured Doctor Gummy, revolutionizing the world in a sweet way Ana Almeida Jun 2, 2015 You like candy but you don't like the bad part of it? Ever tried to give medicines to children and it looked like mission impossible? Doctor Gummy to the rescue... Behind the... continue reading
Oct 4, 2024 Startup Valencia to host one of Europe’s leading conferences on entrepreneurship and startups this October