Even though we are starting the countdown for 2015, there are still some very interesting events happening in Portugal until the end of this year! Let’s take a peek:
Startup Weekend Coimbra & Lisbon
- Date: 10-12 October
- Location: Instituto Pedro Nunes, Coimbra
- Costs: applications closed
- Website: coimbra.startupweekend.org
- Date: 14-16 November
- Location: Beta-i, Lisbon
- Costs: 15-25€
- Website: Startup Weekend Lisboa
Startup weekend is a 54-hour event where developers, designers, marketers, product managers and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups.
TECNET Business Camp
Date: 17-18 October
- Location: Sanjotec, São João da Madeira
- Costs: from 10€
- Website: tecnet.com.pt
A 2-day event dedicated to entrepreneurship and innovation, that will bring together hundreds of tech and creative enterprises. Among the speakers we highlight Alexander Osterwalder, the lead author of the international bestseller Business Model Generation. Meet people, share knowledge, establish partnerships, and find investors, everything in one place.
3 DayStartup Porto
- Date: 17- 19 October
- Location: Faculdade de Economia da UP, Porto
- Costs: free
- Website: porto.3daystartup.org/en
3 Day Startup is an entrepreneurship education program designed for university students with an emphasis on learning by doing. The idea is simple: start tech companies over the course of three days. The organizers rent work space for an entire weekend, recruit 40 students with a wide range of backgrounds, cater food and drinks, invite top-notch entrepreneurs and investors, pick the best idea for a software startup during the Friday brainstorming session, and release a minimal prototype by Sunday night. The goal is to build enough momentum among a network of motivated people to sustain the company beyond the weekend.
Hackathon & Demo Day Lisbon Challenge
- Date: 24-25 October
- Location: Beta-i office
- Costs: free
- Website: www.eventbrite.pt/e/hackathon-fall-edition-tickets-13007270095
Demo Day
- Date: 7 November
- Location: Beta-i office
- Costs: free
- Website: www.eventbrite.pt/e/lisbon-challenge-demo-day-tickets-13007290155
Lisbon Challenge is a 3-month, intensive tech startup accelerator for those in prototype/product phase who are looking to achieve product-market fit and investment readiness. During that time outsiders can still be a part of some of the activities that take place in there. Are you a programmer, graphic designer, interface designer, project manager or someone involved in software development, looking to challenge yourself? Showcase your hacking skills at the Lisbon Challenge Hackaton where you’ll be working with the startups and demo the results. If you want to take a look on the progress of the startups in the Lisbon Challenge you have the Demo Day: the Challengers – the 22 startups doing the accelerator program will showcase what they’re up to.
Global Entrepreneurship Week
- Date: 14 November
- Location: several locations
- Costs: depend on the event selected
- Website: www.sge.org.pt
Global Entrepreneurship Week is the world’s largest celebration of the innovators and job creators who launch startups that bring ideas to life, drive economic growth and expand human welfare.
During one week each November, GEW inspires people everywhere through local, national and global activities designed to help them explore their potential as self-starters and innovators. These activities, from large-scale competitions and events to intimate networking gatherings, connect participants to potential collaborators, mentors and even investors—introducing them to new possibilities and exciting opportunities.
Coworking Europe 2014
Date: 24-26 November
- Location: São Jorge Cinema, Lisbon
- Costs: 440€
- Website: coworkingeurope.net
Global Enterprise, Cowork Lisboa and the Lisbon Municipality have partnered up to create the most insightful event in Europe regarding the rise of Coworking and its impact on entrepreneurship, innovation and, overall, the future of the workplace.
Between 300 and 350 attendees from all around Europe, North America and beyond, will gather during three days in Cinema Sao Jorge, in Lisbon. Close to fifty speakers and panelists will share their thoughts and best practices with an audience made out of coworking space operators, facility managers, real estate pundits as well as city council representatives, public development agencies, universities or startup incubator managers.
17ª Feira do Empreendedor
Date: 27-29 November
- Location: Centro de Congressos da Alfândega, Porto
- Costs: donation of min 2€ to 1 out of 3 social entrepreneurship projects selected
- Website: feiradoempreendedor.anje.pt
Already in its 17th Edition, the Entrepreneur’s Fair brings together a wide range of events to foster entrepreneurship, job creation and innovation. This year, under the motto Born Global, there will be 12 anchor-events that include spaces to support entrepreneurs, workshops, conferences and the Entrepreneur of the Year Award.
TEDxLisboa ED
- Date: 18 October
- Location: Fórum Lisboa, Lisbon
- Costs: 5€
- Website: tedxlisboa.com
- Date: 25 October
- Location: Auditório do ISCAC, Coimbra
- Costs: applications closed
- Website: tedxcoimbra.com
- Date: 6 December
- Location: Cine-Teatro Constantino Nery, Matosinhos
- Costs: NA
- Website: tedxmatosinhos.com
The TEDx experience is about bringing big ideas to the local community to spark connection and deep conversation. A vibrant mixture of online and live content – both TED Talks videos and in-person talks – captures the essence of a TEDx event. Imagine a day filled with brilliant speakers, thought-provoking video and mind-blowing conversation. Besides the standard events it will occur an ED event in Lisbon. ED events are TEDx events where educators, students, administrators and others gather to discuss the future of education.